

自5月23日(一)起,全校課程以遠距教學至學期結束(6月25日)為原則,詳如說明。The remote learning period will continue in principle starting from May 23 (Mon) until the end of the spring semester on June 25.



三、 教師實施遠距教學時,請善用數位教學平台,確實掌握學生線上出席狀況及參與情形,確保教學品質及學生學習成效;並請教師留存遠距上課紀錄之連結,以利未來稽考。

四、 建議授課教師以多元評量方式(如參與討論情形、線上測驗、繳交報告、調整評量比重等)評定學生學期成績;但為兼顧學生學習成效,期末考得實體進行,並應提供受疫情影響無法到考學生(包括確診、居隔、自主防疫及退宿學生)替代評量方式,以確保其權益。請授課教師檢視成績評量方式之合理性與公平性,並事先向學生說明,以避免爭議。

五、 實驗或實作課程之授課教師因教學需要(如須到校操作)得申請採行實體上課。授課教師須填具申請表(如附件)且敘明原因,經開課單位核備並送教務單位備查。實體上課應落實各項上課防疫措施,對於受疫情影響無法到校之學生(包括確診、居隔、自主防疫及退宿學生),授課教師應提供遠距教學或其他學習替代方案,如採事後補課原則應於6月30日前完成。


1. According to the 75th NTUT Epidemic Prevention Conference on May 18, the remote learning period will continue until the end of the spring semester.

2. In consideration of both epidemic prevention and learning effectiveness, as of May 23 (Mon), all courses will be held remotely (online) in principle until the end of the spring semester (June 25). However, final exams may still be held in person, with consideration given to students affected by the epidemic, and experimental or practical courses may apply to be offered in person.

3. Instructors are suggested to use available online platforms/tools for remote teaching and keep appropriate records of learning materials and student participation/attendance for future reference to ensure the quality of teaching and effectiveness of learning. Instructors are also requested to retain the web link of archival footage for the record.

4. It is recommended that instructors use multiple evaluation methods (such as participation in discussions, online tests or quizzes, submission of reports and assignments, adjustment of grading criteria, etc.) to evaluate students’ learning performance for semester grades. Students affected by the epidemic and unable to participate in exams (including those who are diagnosed, quarantined, self-monitoring, and/or those who have vacated the dormitory) should have an alternative means of evaluation and assessment. Instructors are requested to review the grading criteria and allocation, as well as the reasonableness and fairness, and explain to students in advance to avoid disputes.

5. Instructors of experimental or practical courses may apply for on-site classes according to their instructional needs (if physical attendance on campus is required). Instructors must complete the application form (see attachment) and state the reasons, which will be verified by the department offering the course and sent to the Office of Academic Affairs for reference. On-site classes should take all necessary precautions for epidemic prevention. For students affected by the epidemic and unable to attend on-site classes (including those who are diagnosed, quarantined, self-monitoring, and/or those who have vacated the dormitory), instructors should provide remote learning or other learning alternatives. Any make-up classes should in principle conclude before June 30.
