

110-1學期開學初上課方式查詢說明 Guidelines for Inquiring Course Delivery Mode of the Courses for the 2021 Fall Semester


(一) 9/22(三)-9/28(二)進行全校線上授課教學演練,所有課程均採遠距方式進行(實習實驗類課程及體育課可提出替代做法),同學不必到校。

(二) 9/29(三)-10/10(日)仍以遠距教學為主,但實驗實作類課程或人數較少的課程,得在符合以下規範的前提下採用實體教學;採行「分流上課」課程之上課方式,請注意授課教師於課堂說明,分流上課的教室如有異動,將於本處防疫專區網頁公告。

  • 1. 室內人數上限80人而且必須維持安全社交距離(2.25平方米/人)。
  • 2. 採固定座位、固定成員方式進行,並落實點名。
  • 3. 上課時師生應全程佩戴口罩且落實手部消毒,上課期間禁止飲食。
  • 4. 教室與實驗室應保持通風良好及定時清消。

A. The University may conduct distance learning in the first three weeks of Fall 2021 after the classes begin (that is, 2021/9/22). Please refer to the information below:

(A). All courses shall adopt distance learning from 2021/9/22 (Wed.) to 2021/9/28 (Tue.) (alternative ways might be brought up for physical education or hands- on courses). It would be unnecessary for the students to arrive at school during this period.

(B) The distance learning may be extended from 2021/9/29 (Wed.) to 2021/10/10 (Sun.) except for hands-on courses or courses taken by fewer students. Hands-on courses and courses taken by fewer students may be conducted onsite, please follow the measures below:

  1. According to the regulations announced by the Ministry of Education, the maximum capacity of each classroom shall be less than 80 people, and social distancing shall be maintained for 2.25 square meters per person.
  2. Participants shall be arranged with fixed seats, and the roll call shall be taken.
  3. Face masks must be worn throughout the class, and all of the participants shall sanitize their hands. Besides, eating and drinking is forbidden during the class.
  4. All of the classrooms and the instructional labs shall be ventilated, and shall be cleansed and disinfected regularly.

For courses adopting a blended teaching approach (combining online and onsite modes), please note the information announced by the instructor during the class. Information about the classroom adjustments will be updated on the website of the Office of Academic Affairs.


(一)請至本校網頁→【資訊服務】→【課程系統】→【課程查詢】輸入「課程名稱」→ 修課班級課程【教學大綱及進度表】點選【查詢】,如附圖範例。

  • 1. 修課同學或待加簽同學可透過授課教師提供之「教學大綱及進度表」了解課程資訊,並於「備註」欄位說明本學期初全校實施遠距教學,本課程所採行之授課方式,包含遠距教學的上課網址、諮詢管道等,請依授課教師提供的「上課網址」於開學初(9/22-9/28)線上授課準時上課。
  • 2. 同學若對課程或遠距教學、分流規劃有相關疑問,請逕洽授課教師及開課系所詢問。可「點我下載聯絡窗口資料」,以查詢開課系所的諮詢窗口及聯絡方式

(二) 教師諮商時間 請同學善加利用教師諮商時間進行問題諮詢,若欲與教師面談,請事先以E-mail向教師預約時間及地點,並請留意信件禮節及溝通禮貌,相關資訊詳見系科所公告之教師諮商時間網頁。

B. To inquire the information of each course for distance learning in Fall 2021, please refer to the details below:

(A) Please visit the main website of Taipei Tech > Students > Course System > Course Catalog for the Fall Semester 2021 > choose the Department > choose the Class > look for the target Course Name > look up the “Syllabus” column > click “Query” (as shown in the picture below).

  1. Students who want to add courses may refer to the “Note” section of “Syllabus” for further details about course delivery mode (e.g., the course URL and the way to contact the instructor) during the distance learning period (2021/9/22 to 2021/9/28). Please attend the online courses on time through the course URL provided by the instructors.
  2. For further information about the course information, distance learning, or course diversion, please contact the instructor or the department office: https://oaa.ntut.edu.tw/p/406-1008-111838,r11.php?Lang=zh-tw

 (B) Office Hours
To set up an appointment with the instructor, please E-mail the instructor in advance for appropriate time and location. Please mind the email etiquette while making an appointment. For relative details, please refer to the information posted on the website of the department office.

三、開學後第四週起之教學及授課方式,依據疫情發展與政府防疫指引再另行宣布,請留意本處防疫專區相關公告( https://oaa.ntut.edu.tw/p/404-1008-98622.php ) 

【範例】課程系統–110-1學期課程查詢–教學大綱與進度表 的畫面



C. As for the course delivery mode after the fourth week, the latest information will be updated on a rolling basis according to the status of the pandemic situation. ( https://oaa.ntut.edu.tw/p/404-1008-98622.php?Lang=zh-tw ).

Syllabus Query in English

Home page of the website of Taipei Tech > Students > Course System > Course Catalog for the Fall Semester 2021 > choose the Department > choose the Class > look for the target Course Name > look up the “Syllabus” column > click “Query” (as shown in the picture below).

【Syllabus Query in English】2

【Syllabus Query in English】2
