
本校學生證自108學年度起免蓋註冊章  No registration stamp from 2019 fall.
1. 舊生108年8月1日起可至教務處領取「免蓋註冊章」貼紙,自行貼於學生證背面,新生學生證背面不再印製蓋註冊章欄位。

大學部學生請由班代統一至註冊組(行政大樓2樓)領取, 研究所學生請至所辦領取

From 1st August, 2019, students can get the stickers (claiming “no registration stamps from 2019 Fall”) at Academic Affairs Office and paste the stickers on the back of the student ID cards by themselves. There’s no column for registration stamps on new student ID cards.
For getting stickers:
Undergraduates: class representatives on behalf of all class members please come to the Section of Register. (the 2nd floor of Administration Building)
Graduates: each individual please come to the graduate institute office.
 2. 若有在學證明需求者,每學期開學日後可採以下方式辦理:
For those who need the certificate of study, please apply for it after the beginning of new semester. The notices are as follows:
(1) Each student can get a free certificate of study per semester by the KIOSKS (red machine) at the 2nd floor in Administration Building.
(2) If students need the certificate of study before the day of new semester starts, please bring the receipt of tuition payment to the Section of Register  after Sep 18.
3. 本校已行文高鐵公司,增列本校為免蓋註冊章之大學校院。
Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) listed National Taipei  University of  Technology as an university exempt from registration stamps.
4. 若有任何問題請洽註冊組。
If you have any questions, please contact the Section of Register. (The office of Academic Affairs)