NTUT【The Flow Chart of Suspension of Physical Classes

Because of the epidemic trend of COVID-19, according to the most updated announcement of MOE, NTUT has drawn up “the Flow Chart of Suspension of Physical Classes” for the standard of execution. Please check the attached picture for the information.

Please wear a face mask, avoid poorly ventilated spaces and crowds, wash hands frequently, and keep social distance. If there are any updated news from CDC or MOE, NTUT would follow the instructions and make rolling adjustments. Please keep paying attention to the Taipei Tech’s announcement for COVID-19 and follow the preventive measures on campus.

Taipei Tech’s announcement for COVID-19: https://news.ntut.edu.tw/p/422-1000-1085.php?Lang=zh-tw

 If there are any updated news from CDC or MOE, NTUT would follow the instructions and make rolling adjustments.