因應社區傳播風險升高,指揮中心提升疫情警戒至第三級,請師生配合於教室上課需配戴口罩。For classes taught in classrooms, students and lecturers are required to wear masks at all times.

In response to the increased risk of community transmission, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) elevates the Epidemic Alert to Level 3 and implements related restrictions and measures.
For classes taught in classrooms, students and lecturers are required to wear masks at all times.

Please avoid crowded and poorly-ventilated places to maintain personal health.


The University is asking all of its academic and administrative members to abide by the following preventive measures.

In response to the elevated alert, lecturers and students are required to wear masks as entering their classrooms, instruction labs, academic or administrative offices.
For courses conducted outdoors, the eventgoers should keep social distancing if not wearing masks.

The air-conditioner may be used with the windows open 10 cm wide (about the width of a fist) to maintain classroom ventilation. The doors are not required to be opened then.

Lecturers are required to take a roll call during the class for further investigation if necessary.

Please again be reminded to maintain personal health through preventive measures such as “wash your hands frequently”, “cover your coughs and sneezes”, “avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose”, “keep social distancing (wear a mask instead for inevitable circumstances)”, and “avoid crowded places”. For those who have fevers and respiratory complications, please wear a medical mask, immediately seek medical attention at a nearby hospital, and return home.

According to the 45th NTUT Epidemic Prevention Conference, members attending any event held in classrooms and instruction labs have been required to wear masks since November 30th, 2020.
People without a mask would be stopped from entering the above- mentioned places, and some penalties would be implemented for not complying with the regulations.
Students would be admonished, while lecturers, on the other hand, might receive grievances submitted by students through Ms. Tsai, the contact person at Curriculum Division of Office of Academic Affairs, NTUT (extension number 1134).